Syncrify Client 工具安裝教學

在建置完 Syncrify server 之後,可以到官網下載 Syncrify Clinet 工具,可於用戶端進行連線設定備份還原等維護工作,該工具有 windows 及 linux 版圖型介面工具,及 linux 文字介面工具。

WINDOWS & LINUX 圖形介面版工具說明:

Files/Folders to backup:要備份的資料夾
Current Profile Name:目前的連線的pc用戶
Remote Server URL:syncrify server URL
Login Email:登入的email
Login Password:密碼
Syncrify 官網做了貼心的服務,支援中文,若作業系統本身的語系就是繁體中文或簡體中文,安裝後會自動以中文呈現。

Linux 文字介面版安裝操作說明:
# 下載 linux 文字介面版 Syncrify Client 工具
# 解壓縮
# 新增一個使用者
java -jar SyncrifyClient.jar -console -createProfile
# 使用帳號連線備份
java -jar SyncrifyClient.jar -console 帳號名稱.syncrify
# 設定檔完整內容
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <password>wUp8Am37N6WwVvvvzsa5YG5C</password>  <encryptionKey>9qMgS9XalkIqM3N8N6WwVvvvoL1STjVn73sq6O3p</encryptionKey>
    <includedObjects><includedObject selectionFilter="" serverPath="tmp">/tmp</includedObject></includedObjects>
linux 命令模式指令參考如下:
Option Description
-console This option makes Syncrify client run in console mode. If this is missing every other option will be ignore and Syncrify client will run in its default GUI mode

-u User's email address that is used to identity the account on the server.

-p User's password

-pr Profile name corresponding to the Profile name on the server. Use the same value for profile name when running the same backup again. Specifying a different value will cause the server to store files in a different folder. This can be a one-word value without spaces and should contains characters that are considered valid for a directory name.

-sp Server path. This corresponds to a one-word folder name on the server that is used for storing files under the profile. Use the same value for this parameter when running the same backup again. This can be a one-word value without spaces and should contains characters that are considered valid for a directory name.

-sF Selected Folder. Specifies one folder location that you want to backup or restore. This parameter must be accompanied by -tF

-tF Top Level Folder. Specifies the top-level folder where the selected folder is located. This parameter must be accompanied by -sF. The -sF and -tF parameters are only valid if you are running backup/restore on an existing profile and just want to run a backup on a specific folder. This is equivalent of backing up a selected folder specified here using console.

Refer to example 2 below.

-enableVersioning This is a stand-alone parameter. Enables versioning.

-twoway This is a stand-alone parameter. Enables Two-way sync.

-saveProfile This is a stand-alone parameter. This is a convinient way of creating a profile file without running the actual backup. The profile file will be created in ~/.syncrify folder. Refer to example number 2 below to see how to use this profile to run backup.

-nocompression This is a stand-alone parameter. When present Syncrify client won't use compression before transferring files.

-v This is a stand-alone parameter. When present log messages will appear on the console.
Example 1
Use the following example to run a backup based on a pre-created profile file. This is the preferred method of running backup.
java -jar SyncrifyClient.jar -console myProfile.syncrify
The above example assume you have a pre-created profile called myProfile and want to run it through command line.

Example 2
Use the following example to run a backup based on a pre-created profile file. This is the preferred method of running backup.
java -jar SyncrifyClient.jar -console myProfile.syncrify -tF /user/home/jack/Desktop -sF /user/home/jack/Desktop/Pictures/NewYork
This example runs a profile called myProfile and will only backup files in /user/home/jack/Desktop/Pictures/NewYork folder.

Example 3 (Usage deprecated)
java -jar SyncrifyClient.jar -console -v -u -p secret -pr firstProfile -sp t2 -nocompression /user/home/jack/Desktop
In the above example, files located in \user\home\jack\Desktop will be backed up to a server running on using the HTTPS protocol on default port. No compression will be used.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This example is deprecated and does not provide every backup option and therefore, we recommend you use the first example.






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